Prosecution offer no evidence after witness admits lying under s28 cross examination by Richard Moss

Prosecution offer no evidence after witness admits lying under s28 cross examination by Richard Moss

07 May 2024
Richard Moss

Richard Moss, instructed by Damini Chavda of ABV Solicitors, represented a a young man of good character in his 20s accused of sexually assaulting his step-daughter between the ages of 15 and 16 on four separate occasions. As a result of the allegations D was remanded in custody from November 2023. The complainant sought to withdraw her support for proceedings in January 2024. Last week the case was listed for s28 cross examination during which the complainant admitted that she had lied about the allegations and D had not sexually assaulted her. The Crown were granted seven days to review the case, following which no evidence was offered and D was released from custody.