Another success for Clare Evans in historic sex offences case

Another success for Clare Evans in historic sex offences case

22 Jun 2023
Clare Evans

Clare Evans, instructed by Paul Gilmartin at Albin and Co solicitors,  has secured the acquittal of a 65 year old man charged with 4 counts of historic sex offences going back 52 years. Her client was accused of orally and vaginally penetrating his then 6 year old sister over a period of 2-3 years when he was 14-17 years old. Whilst the complainant only came forward to the police in 2021 she gave evidence that she had told her husband and daughter some 20 years previously about the abuse she had suffered at his hands, both of them giving evidence of these conversations.

At its heart, this was a true 'one word against the other' trial.  There were no other eyewitnesses to confirm or deny various matters raised by both the parties, no forensic evidence, and no medical or school records to support the complainant's allegations. Their parents had died in 2016, their youngest brother some years before that. 

This lack of potentially corroborating evidence for both sides was a stark illustration of the harm delay can cause to both sides in a trial of this age and nature. 

The defendant meanwhile could only offer as a defence a denial that he had abused his sister.  

The jury unanimously acquitted Clare's client on all counts in less than 3 hours.