The Judge allowed appeal finding in favour of Isaac Makas client

The Judge allowed appeal finding in favour of Isaac Makas client

02 Nov 2022

Isaac Maka, who is Head of Chambers Immigration team appeared at Taylor House, representing AS, a child under 18 at the time before an Immigration Judge. The Entry Clearance Officer had refused his application noting his mother had only applied days before his 18th birthday for him to come to the UK. The case was complicated by video evidence, which Counsel advised to produce in advance of AS’s father being imprisoned back home.

At the hearing, Counsel for the Respondent suggested AS’s care was shared with his aunt and his own mother was therefore not his sole carer. In a tactful change of case, the Respondent questioned the reliability of the video evidence.
Counsel successfully argued otherwise focussing the Court on the committed relationship between AS and that his mother was de facto his sole carer and allowing AS to come here was in his best interests. Counsel also fearlessly raised objections to new issues being raised at the hearing for the first time by the Respondent’s Counsel and objected to matters being raised in argument, which were not put to the witness. Counsel successfully showed how the Respondent’s case had changed showing poor decision making. 
The Judge allowed AS’s appeal finding in his favour. 

If you are looking to instruct Isaac or an Immigration barrister within Chambers then contact Sandie Smith on 020 7822 7000 or