


Chambers aims to offer two fully funded 12 month pupillages each year, although this number may change. These pupillages are advertised through the Pupillage Gateway system and are dealt with in accordance with the Gateway timetable. The Pupillage Gateway can be found here:


The 12 month pupillages offered are funded. For pupillages starting from 2023 the award will be £35,000, made up of £17,500 in the first six months and guaranteed earnings of at least £17,500 in the second. The award includes the award of £2,000 given by chambers towards travel expenses incurred during pupillage. Additionally, chambers will fund a pupil’s attendance on any course that he or she is required to attend by virtue of being a pupil.

4 King’s Bench Walk is a common law set with expertise across the fields of personal injury, property, contract, crime, family, immigration, employment and regulatory law. Chambers encourages pupils to gain experience in all of these areas during the course of pupillage so that pupils can then make an informed decision as to where their skills and interests lie. Typically, pupillage is divided between three supervisors, each typically practising in a different area of chambers’ work. In addition to gaining an insight into their supervisors’ practice, pupils will also work for, and go to Court with, other members of Chambers. Advocacy exercises are also introduced towards the end of the first six months. Once in second six priority will be given to a pupil’s own caseload. Pupils can expect to be in Court most days once in the second six.

Chambers attaches great importance to pupillage and always aims to recruit its junior tenants from its pupils. Pupils are not in competition with each other, with there being sufficient places in chambers for all pupils that are taken on.  

We expect pupils to have excellent academic credentials and to have obtained relevant experience. We also look for articulacy, demonstrable forensic ability, an interest in chambers’ areas of work and genuine commitment to the Bar.

We encourage pupils to participate in all aspects of the work and social life of chambers at an early stage and we are both known to be, and consider ourselves, a particularly friendly and approachable group of people.

Recruitment Process

Pupillage vacancies are advertised through the Pupillage Gateway.

Written applications are given marks in three categories, namely i) the answer on case law ii) commitment to, and suitability for, the Bar and chambers and iii) academic and analytical ability. There are two rounds of interviews, with the first interview likely to last for around 15 minutes and the final round lasting for around 30 minutes. The final round interview will generally involve a debate question, a legal question (which could take the form of analysing legislation or making submissions in a ‘hearing’) and questions designed to assess an applicant’s skills.

Chambers is an equal opportunities employer. Members of the pupillage selection and interview panels have received training in respect of equality and diversity in the field of recruitment.

Third Six Pupillage

We encourage applications from those who have already completed twelve months of pupillage. With a growing caseload within chambers we currently require third six pupils who will predominantly undertake criminal and employment work. However, third six pupils will also be able to experience work within the other areas of chambers’ practice. If you wish to apply for a third six with us please send a copy of your CV along with a covering letter, marked for the attention of the ‘third six pupillage secretary’.